This volume has the purpose of identifying realities lived in a country, as well as offering supplies to solve or face social problems under the premise that knowledge is transformed according to them. In this sense, the reader will be able to find an analysis—from the constitutional theory approach—of the limits to the power of reform in the framework of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. Besides providing theoretical premises on law and its application in the sports field, the importance of including philosophy topics in the curricula of law programs, and other topics related to their areas of study.

The magazine Dos mil tres mil adopts the continuous publication system this 2020. Such change is based on the need to speed up the time between acceptance and publication of the manuscript. All accepted articles will be highlighted sequentially and classified according to the magazine sections. Dos mil tres mil will continue to make every possible effort to promote the exchange of knowledge regarding political science, law, and related areas.

Published: 2020-05-21


Carlos F. Forero Hernández
