Criminal law: continuous publication system
Vol. 25 (2023)

Dos mil tres mil is a peer-reviewed journal of open access and continuous edition that publishes about law, political science, and other related areas. The journal adopts a continuous publication system. Articles will be published as the editorial production process concludes.

Derecho administrativo: Publicación continua
Vol. 24 (2022)

This special edition of “Dos Mil Tres Mil Law Review” has been thought out as a tribute to the post graduate specialization course in Administrative Law of the University of Ibagué. It includes the work of several authors, who have rendered their conjectures and proposals on topics such as the abuse of voting rights in simplified corporations, the right to the freedom of political speech on social networks, and the discussions that take place regarding the ascription of state liability due to damages caused by unconstitutional laws.


Conmemoración de los treinta años de la Constitución Política de Colombia: Publicación continua
Vol. 23 (2021)

The 1991 Constitution of Colombia celebrates thirty years of guiding all areas of law. Hence, the phenomenon or process implementation of the constitutionalization of law is one of the great subject matters of neoconstitutionalism. This anniversary has prompted the need to look back at the main legal categories to consolidate or eventually overhaul their scope. For this reason, in this new volume, a group of scholars analyzes some of the most important institutions of the 1991 Political Charter, with the aim of contributing to reflection on the implications they have had as time goes by.


Publicación continua
Vol. 22 (2020)

This volume has the purpose of identifying realities lived in a country, as well as offering supplies to solve or face social problems under the premise that knowledge is transformed according to them. In this sense, the reader will be able to find an analysis—from the constitutional theory approach—of the limits to the power of reform in the framework of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. Besides providing theoretical premises on law and its application in the sports field, the importance of including philosophy topics in the curricula of law programs, and other topics related to their areas of study.

The magazine Dos mil tres mil adopts the continuous publication system this 2020. Such change is based on the need to speed up the time between acceptance and publication of the manuscript. All accepted articles will be highlighted sequentially and classified according to the magazine sections. Dos mil tres mil will continue to make every possible effort to promote the exchange of knowledge regarding political science, law, and related areas.

Dos mil tres mil
Vol. 21 (2019)

The dissemination of scientific information, quality and monitoring of the editorial process have evolved thanks to new technologies. For this reason, during this year we have made positive progress in the migration of our editorial system to the Open Journal Systems platform. A useful tool to achieve the main purpose of a publication such as Dos mil tres mil: to give visibility to those who have started, wisely, on the path of academic writing, as well as on the research route itself. All this, together with publications of those who already have a vast experience in the field of law, political science and related.

Dos mil tres mil
Vol. 20 (2018)

This issue of Dos mil tres mil looks for the permanence of spaces for dissemination at regional, national and international levels. In this sense, the reader will be able to find a diverse range of academic analysis such as Mexico: Agreed Succession, Death of Politics? In addition to exploring some issues such as the democratization of electricity production and the challenges of the implementation of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia.

In order to unify the sequential nature of the magazine, Dos mil tres mil adopts, since this 2018, the name “volume” for its annual publications.

Dos mil tres mil
No. 19 (2017)

This edition deals with the transition from the criminal procedure of Argentina from a mixed or inquisitive system attenuated to a pure accusatory one. In addition to exploring some subjects related to work, social security and corruption in the city of Ibagué.

Dos mil tres mil
No. 18 (2016)

This edition includes texts which address the importance of scientific evidence in the civil process, and that expose the burden of proof in the contentious administrative jurisprudence in the field of medical liability. In addition, the role of the rules in society from the study of administrative rule of law 1696 of 2013 in the city of Ibagué.

Dos mil tres mil
No. 17 (2015)

This edition brings together the intellectual output of prominent jurists, both national and international, as well as the participation of some graduates, who reflect upon constitutional law, international trade, professional ethics, fiscal responsibility and sexual diversity.