Presentation of the book: “The Administrative Act,” written by Carlos F. Forero Hernández, Ph.D.

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Asbleidy Inndira Rojas Uribe


The book entitled “The Administrative Act,” published by Editorial Ibáñez, is a manual that seeks to serve as a consultation tool for all those who must know the notion, attributes, elements, classification, and controls (internal and external) of the administrative act. According to the author, the administrative act is that unilateral legal act of those who exercise administrative functions aimed at producing legal effects. In this regard, he recognizes that giving an exact notion of the administrative act is not an easy task; hence the enriching debates that appear in the doctrine of public law are detailed in ten great chapters of this book.


Couture, E. (2003). Los mandamientos del abogado. México: Ediciones Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Recuperado de

Forero Hernández, C. F. (2020). El acto administrativo. Bogotá, Colombia: Grupo editorial Ibáñez.