No. 3 (2015)

No. 4 (2016)

No. 5 (2017)

No. 6 (2018)

No. 7 (2019)

This 2019, we present Indagare magazine number seven, a body of scientific dissemination of Universidad de Ibagué. For this occasion, we have selected six project reports developed within the framework of the following Research and Transfer Programs (PRIT): Education and well-being for integral human development, Laws and justice for citizen coexistence, Service industry with high added value and internationally renowned, and Innovative technology-based agribusiness.

In addition, in order to contribute to the formation of research experiences, Indagare magazine has decided to give a space to those who have started on the path of academic writing, a space dedicated to recording pedagogical experiences of the International Summer School 2019.

No. 8 (2020)

This 2020, we present to you issue eight of Indagare magazine, the scientific dissemination instrument of Universidad de Ibagué. For this occasion, we have selected fifteen reports of projects developed within the framework of the following Research and Transfer Programs (RTPR): Education and well-being for comprehensive human development, Inclusive and sustainable regional development, Conservation and eco-efficient use of natural resources and environment, and Industry of high added value and world-class services.

In addition, Indagare magazine has decided to grant a space to those who have started on the path of academic writing, a space dedicated to recording teams and research groups experiences from Universidad de Ibagué

No. 9 (2021)

This 2021, we present the ninth issue of Indagare magazine, the scientific dissemination organ of Universidad Ibagué. For this occasion we have selected four reports of projects developed within the framework of the following Research and Transfer Programs (PRIT): Education and well-being for integral human development, Inclusive and sustainable regional development, and Conservation and eco-efficient use of natural resources and the environment.

In addition, Indagare magazine has decided to provide a space for those who have started on the path of academic writing, a space dedicated to record the experiences of groups and research groups of Universidad de Ibagué.

No. 10 (2022)

This 2022, we present the ninth issue of Indagare magazine, the scientific dissemination organ of Universidad Ibagué. For this occasion we have selected four reports of projects developed within the framework of the following Research and Transfer Programs (PRIT): Education and well-being for integral human development, Inclusive and sustainable regional development, and Conservation and eco-efficient use of natural resources and the environment.

No. 11 (2023)

This year Indagare journal takes a break from its usual structure to recognize some of University of Ibagué women researchers. We are aware that the task continues, and there are many role models that we must highlight. However, this edition brings visibility to twenty-eight stories in pursuit of social justice we all deserve. With "Women who live science" we present a group of women teachers, with a great interest in learning and a special sensitivity to transmit their knowledge to others.

No. 12 (2024)

Este 2024, nos complace presentar esta edición especial de INDAGARE, dedicada a las memorias del XV Congreso Colombiano de Transporte y Tránsito. Este evento realizado en la Universidad de Ibagué fue un espacio de intercambio de conocimientos que reunió a expertos e investigadores destacados, tanto nacionales como internacionales, en el sector de la movilidad. Durante el congreso, se debatieron los desafíos y propuestas de cambio en el ámbito del transporte en nuestras regiones.