Implementing tactical urbanism at Universidad de Ibagué (Colombia)
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In the twentieth century, the urban model had a scattered and diffuse conformation, that one in which motorized transport prevailed over active mobility means and that, consequently, led to the lack of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. For this reason, road modifications should be made to benefit safety and comfort of citizens, with the creation of new urban spaces for their movement. In response to this, people have found a suitable way to propose solutions through temporary, economic and creative actions, which are identified as tactical urbanism.
In order to implement sustainable transportation policies, a tactical urbanism design is drawn up on Calle 66, in Ambalá neighborhood, in the city of Ibagué, Colombia, nearby Universidad de Ibagué. This process is carried out, given that the street presents serious mobility problems that impact the quality of life of people who live in the area and use it frequently. The objective is focused on analyzing benefits and social impacts that can be generated after this intervention, for the sake of presenting the capacity of tactical urbanism to solve problems of mobility and public space.
Decreto 015 de 2011. (06 de enero de 2011). Diario Oficial, (47.944). Recuperado de
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