Evaluation of the sustainability of an agri-food supply chain of fresh products oriented to the international market. Case applied to the Hass Avocado chain in northern Tolima
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The internationalization of fresh products implies a great challenge on agri-food supply chains. Given its particular characteristics, its variables cause that studying them might not be an easy task to do, for instance: perishability of products; high percentages of losses; seasonality and variability of demand and prices; location of producers, collection and marketing centers; lack of availability of efficient means of transport; free trade agreements; and operation of new phytosanitary standards for export.
One of the first steps in this direction is to understand the interactions and variables that determine the functioning of each of the actors that make up these agri-food supply chains. This study introduces a model which through a virtual environment simulates structure and interaction bonds present in the Hass Avocado agri-food chain in northern Tolima. The approach was carried out under the concept of sustainable agri-food chains, in which economic, social and environmental variables are taken into account, using the systems dynamics approach. This project aims to study prospectively the sustainability in the Hass Avocado agri-food chain in northern Tolima in its internationalization process.
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