Corruption in Ibagué (2012-2015): indicators and perception

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Diego Andrés Perdomo Lesmes


The figures of the Survey of Citizen Perception on corruption, favorability, credibility and good management of the administration of Luis H. Rodríguez 2012-2015; the visibility in local and national media of the failure of the National Games, the repeated public denunciations of cases of corruption and the generalized non-conformity of the people of this administration, were some of the problems presented by Ibagué in this administrative period. The aforementioned urgently demands a response and an analytical work -which allows the objective of this article- to describe and approximate the reality of the social phenomenon that is corruption.

Initially, the document will focus on conceptual progress on this phenomenon. Then, we will look at the Open Government index (IGA by its acronym in Spanish) and the Fiscal Performance Index (IDF by its acronym in Spanish) as indicators of good governance. Finally, these are compared with the results of the Survey of citizens' perception of the people from Ibagué, in order to make an approach to corruption in Ibagué, and find possible relations between the two components -indicators and perception, during the administration of Luis H. Rodriguez.