Intervention of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Universidad de Ibagué in the complaint of unconstitutionality against subsection k of article 12 of the Act 1861, 2017. Judgment C-356/19

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María Cristina Solano de Ojeda


Complaints of unconstitutionality are part of the democratic exercise through which the citizen goes to the constitutional jurisdiction, in search of proposing by the Court the analysis of a norm that is accused of contradicting the Constitution.

The universities of the country are invited to the initial process pursuant to the complaint, with the purpose of providing their legal interpretation between the subject of the complaint and the Political Constitution. This exercise prior to the final decision of the Constitutional Court has become a valuable space for the expression of the academic voice in the practical context of a judicial decision.

The reader will then find the concept projected by Professor María Cristina Solano de Ojeda and presented by Luis Fernando Sánchez Huertas, dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, representing this academic unit in the process of complaint of unconstitutionality regarding the norm provided in article 12 of the Act 1861, 2017. This legal controversy was resolved by means of Judgment C-356/19 which can be consulted here.