Focus and Scope

Dos mil tres mil is a peer-reviewed journal of open access and continuous edition that publishes about law, political science, and other related areas. It has sections for the dissemination of specialized articles, reviews, proceedings of academic events and analysis of jurisprudence. Articles submitted to the Research section are refereed through a double-blind process, while a reading committee evaluates the other sections. The publication is ruled by COPE's Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publishing and is financed by the University of Ibagué.


Publication Frequency

Starting in 2020, Dos mil tres mil journal adopts a continuous publication system, a form of publication based on the need to accelerate the time between acceptance and publication of the manuscript. Articles will be published as the editorial production process concludes.


Editorial Policy

Dos mil tres mil is a window for the dissemination of legal, political, and other related areas of knowledge. Its contribution to the academic world is due to the study, analysis, and research of the aforementioned areas of knowledge and, of course, to the promotion of dialogue within the scientific community. Being an open access journal and funded by the University of Ibagué, the journal does not charge any fee to authors for submitting their articles or for publishing them. Considering that it is a refereed journal, Dos mil tres mil has spaces for the publication of specialized articles, since the manuscripts submitted for the Research section, after being accepted by the Editorial Team, will be submitted to the evaluation of academic peers under the double-blind system. For the other sections, Dos mil tres mil journal will submit the articles to the evaluation of a reading committee. The selection of manuscripts will be made considering the policies of each section:

  • Research: Includes any research, reflection, or review article, according to the parameters of the guide of the Permanent Indexing Service of Colombian Science, Technology, and Innovation Journals.
  • Studies: Discloses works and other academic participations of professionals in the areas of legal, political, and social sciences of the country.
  • Reviews: Reviews of literary or scientific works that present and analyze topics of law, political science, and related subjects.
  • Academic events: In this section we share the memories of the activities developed by the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Ibagué.
  • Jurisprudence: Analysis of relevant judicial decisions in the national and international environment.

Manuscripts submitted for any of the sections of the journal must be original and unpublished, so simultaneous or previous submission to other journals is not allowed, except if they were published in another language —in which case the original publication must be mentioned—.Dos mil tres mil journal has a policy of permanent reception of manuscripts and, in addition, recommends the use of the persistent digital identifier ORCID as a system of authorship standardization.

To submit articles, it is necessary to register in the journal's platform, since the process of submission, review, editing and publication will be conducted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. Authors should indicate the language of the text, the section of their interest and verify the submission checklist established by the journal.

When the author submits the manuscript, the Editorial Team performs a preliminary evaluation to verify that the article complies with the standards of form indicated in the guidelines for authors and is subjected to a verification of originality by means of the Plagiarism Detector program.

Once this is completed, the article is submitted for evaluation by two peer-reviewers or reading committee (according to the journal section). The final acceptance of the manuscript will depend on the Editorial Team and its publication will be made through this platform. If the text is not approved for publication, this determination will be communicated to the authors, with the reasons that justify this determination. All this, of course, keeping the due reserve and anonymity required by the evaluation process.

The articles in our editions represent the scientific position of the authors based on their research, training, and experience, understanding that this does not compromise the editorial committee or the editor.

Dos mil tres mil provides transparent instructions about the publication process and invites authors to review the following diagram.


Evaluation Process

When the author submits the manuscript, the Editorial Team performs a preliminary evaluation to verify that the article complies with the standards of form indicated in the guidelines for authors ((format, style, sections, references, etc.) and is subjected to a verification of originality by means of the Plagiarism Detector program.


After verifying the relevance and compliance with the journal's guidelines, the editor will send the manuscripts to the peer review stage, under the double-blind review system. Each article will be evaluated by at least two academic peers, national or foreign, in case of discrepancies between the concepts issued, the text will be sent to a third peer reviewer whose decision will be final.

If the peer reviewer accepts the review, he/she will have access to the full text and to an online form (OJS) to support the arbitration process. Dos mil tres mil requests peer reviewers to revise criteria such as relevance, argumentation, and formal aspects of the articles; they may also make recommendations for the improvement of the manuscript and issue their opinion.

If the evaluation reports suggest minor modifications, the author will be asked to introduce them. According to the results of the arbitrations, the editor reserves the right to accept or reject the publication of the papers received, as well as to suggest to the authors changes of form that do not imply altering the content. The request for corrections to the authors during the evaluation process does not imply publication in any case since this commitment is only acquired at the moment of sending the acceptance communication to publish the manuscript.

The selection of peer reviewers is made according to the thematic specialty. Peers should inform the journal editor if they consider that the manuscript under review is not original, recognize a possible case of plagiarism or copyright infringement. The peer reviewer should abstain from the evaluation if he/she considers that there are possible conflicts of interest that affect his/her impartiality, such as the existence of blood or affinity ties with the author. By accepting this process, the referees undertake to maintain total confidentiality with respect to the data that they become aware due to their work as evaluators of the article.

Open Submissiones Open Submissiones Reading Committee Reading Committee Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed



If the journal editor considers the paper admissible, he/she will bring it to the attention of the reading committee, which will review it considering the concordance of the paper with the journal guidelines. The committee may suggest acceptance, propose modifications or rejection of the manuscript.

Open Submissiones Open Submissiones Reading Committee Reading Committee Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed



If the journal editor considers the document admissible, he/she will bring it to the attention of the journal's reading committee, which will consider the novelty of the work analyzed, its contribution to the academic community and the coherence of the manuscript submitted. The committee may suggest acceptance, propose modifications or rejection of the manuscript.

Open Submissiones Open Submissiones Reading Committee Reading Committee Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed


Academic events:

The editor of the journal will select the writings addressed to this section, according to the contribution’s activities developed by the University of Ibagué, other actors and institutions that contribute to the areas of political science, law, and other related areas. If considered admissible, it will be processed for publication.

Open Submissiones Open Submissiones Reading Committee Reading Committee Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed



If the journal editor approves the pertinence of the manuscript, he/she will inform the reading committee, which will evaluate the relevance of the topic and the coherence of the document. The committee may suggest acceptance, propose modifications or rejection of the manuscript.

Open Submissiones Open Submissiones Reading Committee Reading Committee Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed


Self-archiving policy

Articles submitted must be original and unpublished; however, Dos mil tres mil accepts manuscripts that have been published on preprint servers, provided they have not undergone formal peer review and are in the process of publication in a journal. Authors are allowed to re-use published works, ie post-print may be archived for non-publication purposes Commercial, including their deposit in institutional repositories, thematic or personal web pages. Reproduction in other print or electronic media must include an acknowledgement of the authorship of the work and its initial publication in the Journal.

  • Submitted VersionPermitted.
  • Accepted VersionNot Permitted.
  • Published VersionPermitted.


Open access policy

Dos mil tres mil provides open access to its content seeking a greater global exchange of knowledge. For this reason, when the author submits his/her manuscript, it is presumed that he/she knows and accepts the terms of open access and the license used, which allows the initial publication in this journal and the dissemination of the work.

Share:copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
    • NoComercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
    • NoDerivatives: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, provided that the purpose is non commercial, the content is not modified and the original work is cited appropriately.



Code of ethics

The journal Dos mil tres mil of the University of Ibagué aims to optimize its processes of receiving, reviewing, editing and publishing research articles, studies, jurisprudence, reviews and academic events. In these processes, the Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publishing of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are adopted.

Responsibility of the editors:

  • Provide authors with the necessary guidance on publication requirements.
  • To guarantee the confidentiality of the information sent by authors and reviewers, it will be used only for editorial activities and the files of rejected manuscripts will be removed from our registry.
  • Communication with authors about editorial decisions will be timely.

Responsibility of reviewers:

  • Maintain confidentiality of information provided by the editor.
  • Alert the Editorial Team about possible conflicts of interest between the reviewer and the author (financial, institutional, collaborative or any other type).
  • Evaluate the article in a rigorous manner so that the author can have sufficient elements to strengthen his/her writing.

Authors' responsibility:

  • Authors must state the originality, clarity of the article, veracity of the data, as well as the validity of the study and its relevance in relation to the scope of the journal.
  • Confirm the originality of the manuscript and correctly cite content taken from other sources.
  • Be familiar with the guidelines for authors and comply with them in a comprehensive manner.

The following are considered misconduct and grounds for rejection of the manuscript at any stage of the publication process:

  • Redundant publication .
  • Plagiarism.
  • Falsification of data and information (authors' affiliation, signatures, statistics, among others).
  • Impersonation and falsification of authorship.
  • In all other cases, Dos mil tres mil adheres to COPE's ethical provisions.

    Indexing in


    Sherpa Romeo



    This journal uses the Internet Archive system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.