Review of the XV Conference on Economic Criminal Law

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Natalia Isabela Reyes Aldana


On September 7, 2023, the xv Economic Criminal Law Conference was held at the central auditorium of the University of Ibagué. This event was organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. The lectures were presented by professors from the universities of Ibagué, Tolima and Javeriana, and focused on the following topics: criminological aspects, criminal policy, and victimology. In addition, on the aforementioned day, a tribute was paid to Dr. Jorge Augusto Lozano Delgado for his contributions to economic criminal law. 


Colombia. Ley 599 del 2000. Por la cual se expide el Código Penal.

Colombia. Decreto 100 de 1980. Presidencia de la República. Por el cual se expide el Nuevo Código Penal.