Analysis of the unification judgement of 29th January 2020 of Section Third of the Colombian Council of State which set up criteria on the expiry terms of actions against war crimes and crimes against humanity

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María Fernanda Cortés Fajardo
Natalia Céspedes Cardona


This document examines the unification judgement of 29th January 2020 of Section Third of the Colombian Council of State, in which several criteria where set to calculate the expiry term in the action to claim tortious liability of State, known in Colombia as direct repair action, in cases where the injury or damage is caused by war crimes or crimes against humanity. As it will be shown in this paper, those criteria oppose the case law of Inter American Court of Human Rights, particularly the Órdenes Guerra et altere vs Chile case. This text stands by the position that adopting the criteria set by that judgement, entails a serious violation of the right of “access to justice” of victims of the abovementioned crimes, as well as challenges the pro homine legal principle, and indeed, gives rise to revictimization.


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