Information management system for the Legal Office and Conciliation Center at Universidad de Ibagué

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Andrés A. García León
Dayanne A. González Villanueva
Juliana Martínez Higuita
William Fernando Torres Tapia
Sandra Bibiana Vargas Castro


The Legal Office and Conciliation Center at Universidad de Ibagué has provided its service for 21 years and has complied with the institution's social and educational project through free legal assistance to people from socio-economic status 1 and 2. Since the beginning of operations in 1999, the information corresponding to the traceability of the cases is managed through physical records, which make it difficult to prepare reports and indicators. In accordance with the above, this article presents the development of an information management system that facilitates recording and preparation of reports and indicators in real time. To do this, the procedures of all agencies and current data management were analyzed, in order to obtain the necessary requirements for the efficient operation of the Legal Office and Conciliation Center. Una vez se conoció la trazabilidad de los datos, se procedió con la creación de un software que facilitara la comunicación, optimización del funcionamiento y estandarización de los procesos. Once the traceability of the data was known, the creation of a software was undertaken, which facilitated communication, optimization of the operation and standardization of the processes.


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