Evaluation of organic matter regarding altitude in agricultural systems from Tolima

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Blanca Myriam Salguero Londoño
Diego Mauricio Bríñez Varón


The objective of this work was to evaluate the dynamics of organic matter (OM) regarding altitude in ten coffee farms located in the north and south from the department of Tolima. Basal respiration (BR) and some chemical properties of the studied soils were evaluated to determine the existence of a possible effect of these on OM. The values that were registered for the OM content have a minimum of 2 % and a maximum of 5 %. When analyzing their behavior and being subjected to an analysis of variance, it is shown that for the results of the research there is no relationship between variables OM and altitudinal floors. On the other hand, it is considered that the variables of humidity, temperature, cationic exchange capacity (CEC) and pH influence and are related to the results of the OM content in the soil.


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